Freehaven Farm, Ltd.
Preserving Farming Integrity

* Preserving farming integrity ...

Since the beginning of time, mankind was awarded the responsibility of taking care of the earth and it's creatures. He was put here to live with and to care for the animals of the land, the birds of the skies and the fish of the waters of life. In so doing, man must protect the very soil, skies and seas they inhabit so that there will be the necessary food and shelter for those creatures as well as for himself and his family.

In return for man's care, the earth has provided food, clothing, shelter, transportation, work, companionship and entertainment for those who inhabit her. She asks only that we care for her - however minimally, so that her wonders will abound for the generations to come.

The earth has truly been blessed - we must continue now more than ever to protect her from all the misuse and abuse she has endured, and preserve the respect she is due.



             -   If it's fiber, we re-create it  !

Freehaven Farm, Ltd. looks forward to sharing the gifts of the earth with you.

-Please call 864 862-4802 for a visit to the farm/shop, or schedule a class in the fiber arts.
For custom fiber arts - unique gifts and keepsakes - handspun yarns, woven, knitted or felted items available with your specifications, also natural and custom dyed feathers, email or

see my online store @

or visit the farm to see/try/buy spinning wheels, spindles and looms

EMAIL freehavenfarm(at)mac(dot)com

Note: Check out our RAVELRY group
("fiberpharmer" on Ravelry)

* May the wonders of nature forever fill your senses, for in the lessons she teaches, we begin to understand life.
- Caron Wilson